ARCH Lab at Child Health Research Day
Dr. Ferro and MSc student, Ahmad Qadeer, represented the ARCH Lab at the 8th annual Department of Pediatrics Child Health…
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ARCH Lab Student Awarded Fellowship
Congratulations to ARCH Lab student Rana (Ahmad) Qadeer, who was awarded an Ontario Graduate Fellowship to support his master’s research. Ahmad is using data from the Canadian Community Health…
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ARCH Lab Featured on Offord Centre for Child Studies Website
Why is it important to study youth with physical and mental health conditions? What is our approach to studying multimorbidity? Why are some young people affected, and others are…
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Psychiatry & Behavioural Neurosciences Research Day
It’s that time of year—the sun is shining, the flowers are blooming, the birds are chirping, and students are presenting their research at the Psychiatry & Behavioural Neurosciences Research…
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ARCH Student makes Impact at Research Day
Congratulations to ARCH Lab student Freddy Wong, who took third place in the undergraduate poster competition at the Psychiatry & Behavioural Neurosciences Research Day. Freddy has been on a…
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Dr. Ferro Interviewed about ARCH Research
Dr. Ferro was a guest on the Larry Fedoruk Show on 610 CKTB to discuss findings from a recent ARCH Lab study examining the association between
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New ARCH Research
Two new ARCH Lab papers have examined psychopathology in adolescents and young adults with food allergies. The first paper, entitled,
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New ARCH Research
A new ARCH Lab paper entitled, “Measurement invariance of the Quality of Life…
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Happy Holidays from the ARCH Lab
From our lab to yours… Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
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New ARCH Research
A new ARCH Lab paper entitled, “Measurement Invariance of the WHODAS 2.0 in…
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