• ARCH Lab Welcomes its Newest Member

    ARCH Lab is proud to announce the arrival of Theodore Matthew Lee Zelman. Theodore was born on September 22 and is the son of Jessica, ARCH Lab’s Project Manager, and her husband Jason.

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  • ARCH Lab Contributes to Two Studies of Quality of Life in Children with Epilepsy

    Two papers by Sajobi et al. were recently published in Epilepsy & Behavior. The first, entitled, “Multivariate trajectories across multiple domains of health-related quality of life in children with new-onset epilepsy” delineated heterogeneous trajectories of quality of life in children newly diagnosed with epilepsy over a two-year period. Notably, while trajectory groups typically showed improved […]

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  • ARCH Lab in the News

    Based on findings from his recent paper on suicidal thoughts and behaviours among adolescents and young adults with chronic illness, Dr. Ferro was interviewed by Global News and the Waterloo Record. The interview is found here and the newspaper article here. The original media release issued by the University of Waterloo is found here.

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  • ARCH Lab’s First MSc Graduate

    Huge congratulations to Ahmad Qadeer for successfully defending his MSc thesis entitled, “Substance use disorders among emerging and young adults: an epidemiological study”. Ahmad’s thesis was superbly written and well-defended. Awesome job, Ahmad!

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  • New ARCH Lab Research

    Dr. Ferro and colleagues at the Offord Centre for Child Studies recently published a paper in the Canadian Journal of Psychiatry entitled, “Suicidal behaviour among adolescents and young adults with self-reported chronic illness”. The paper showed that individuals with a chronic illness were more likely to experience suicidal thoughts, plans, or attempts. Additionally, findings showed […]

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  • Discovered in the ARCH Vault

    Check out this video of ARCH Lab’s alumnus, Chris Choi. Chris was a bursary student with the ARCH Lab in the summer of 2016 and is now a first year undergraduate student at McMaster University. The video is found here.

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  • ARCH Lab Contributes to Study of Parenting Style and Psychopathology

    A paper by Day et al. entitled, “Exposure to overprotective parenting and psychopathology in extremely low birth weight survivors” was recently published in Child: Care, Health and Development. The findings showed that overprotective parenting style during childhood mediated the association between birth weight status (extremely low weight vs. normal weight) and risk for anxiety or […]

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  • New ARCH Lab Research

    ARCH Lab student, Ahmad Qadeer, recently published a paper in the Scandinavian Journal of Pain entitled, “Chronic disruptive pain in emerging adults with and without chronic health conditions and the moderating role of psychiatric disorders: Evidence from a population-based cross-sectional survey in Canada”. The paper, which included Dr. Lilly Shanahan from the Jacobs Center for […]

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  • New ARCH Lab Research

    A new ARCH Lab paper entitled, “Psychometric Properties of the Self-Perception Profile for Children in Children with Chronic Illness” was recently published in the Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. The paper, written by Jennie Tang and Dr. Ferro, examined the psychometric properties of the Self-Perception Profile for Children (SPPC) in […]

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  • ARCH Lab makes an Impact at Conferences

    The month of June began with celebrations for the ARCH Lab as two of its members were recognized at conferences. Ahmad Qadeer, a second-year MSc student at McMaster University, was awarded an Outstanding Poster Presentation Award at the Faculty of Health Sciences Research Plenary. Ahmad was presenting his thesis research examining substance use disorders among […]

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