• ARCH Lab Contributes to Two Papers on Childhood Epilepsy

    The ARCH Lab has contributed to two papers examining childhood epilepsy, both of which contribute to the literature on pediatric epilepsy. The first, “Longitudinal trajectories of self-reported depressive symptoms in children with epilepsy“, examined symptoms of depression in children with epilepsy by using reports from 477 children and their parents. Participants were followed over 28 […]

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  • Perceived Needs for Mental Health Care in Young Adults with Cancer

    Lab alumnus Jennie Tang along with Dr. Ferro and colleagues at the University of Waterloo recently published a paper entitled “Perceived Needs for Mental Health Care Among Emerging Adults With Cancer”. There are many challenges of living with cancer which can compound the normal stresses of navigating emerging adulthood and can lead to long-term psychiatric […]

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  • Gestational Thyroid Issues and Mental Health in Offspring

    Thyroid problems are common during pregnancy and have been linked to neurocognitive impairments in children. Research has also suggested a link between thyroid function during pregnancy and symptoms of mental health problems in children. However, little is known about the risk of clinically significant psychiatric disorders in adolescence. ARCH Lab contributed to a study examining […]

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  • ARCH Lab Publishes Paper on the Role of Hair Cortisol Concentration in the Association Between Parent Psychopathology and Child Mental Disorder

    Dr. Ferro published a paper titled “Hair cortisol concentration mediates the association between parent and child psychopathology” that examined the role of hair cortisol concentration (HCC) in the association between parent psychopathology and child mental disorder. This research is important as there is a strong association between parent and child mental health. This study aimed […]

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  • ARCH Lab Alumnus Publishes Paper Examining Cortisol and Mental Disorder in Children with Chronic Physical Illnesses

    An ARCH lab alumnus, Emily Kornelsen, published a paper using data from the REACH study, entitled “Hair cortisol concentration and mental disorder in children with chronic physical illness”. Cortisol is a hormone that is released in response to stressors, and levels found in hair are useful in understanding the effects of chronic physiological stress. This […]

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  • ARCH Lab Contributes to Paper on Shyness in Preterm Survivors and Their Offspring

    Dr. Ferro contributed to a paper titled “The children of preterm survivors: shyness, parenting, and parental stress” that examined shyness, parenting and parental stress in extremely low birth weight (ELBW) survivors compared to those with normal birth weights (NBW). Specifically, researchers wanted to explore intergenerational transmission of shyness using data from a prospectively followed cohort […]

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  • ARCH Lab Contributes to Two Papers on Childhood Epilepsy

    The ARCH lab has contributed to two papers specifically examining quality of life in children with epilepsy. The first, “Parent proxy discrepancy groups of quality of life in childhood epilepsy”, sought to understand the extent to which parents are able to serve as a proxy, or informant, of their child’s quality of life. Researchers concluded […]

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  • ARCH Lab Contributes to a Study of Depression Symptoms in Children with Epilepsy

    The ARCH lab contributed to a study entitled, “Longitudinal trajectories of depression symptoms in children with epilepsy”. This study examined depression symptoms in 477 children with epilepsy, using self- and caregiver-reported symptoms of depression. The primary objective of this study was to examine the presence of depression symptoms in this population and identify potential changes […]

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  • ARCH Lab contributes to Two Studies Examining Treatments for Post-Partum Depression

    The ARCH lab recently contributed to two papers investigating the use of cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) in the treatment of postpartum depression (PPD). The first paper, “Treating postpartum depression with 1-day cognitive behavioural therapy-based workshops”, aimed to assess the feasibility and impact of 1-day CBT-based workshops for PPD. Results suggested that following two 1-day CBT-based workshops, […]

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  • ARCH Lab Validates Two Scales in Samples of Canadian Youth

    The ARCH Lab contributed to two articles examining the psychometric properties of two scales, the WHO Disability Assessment Schedule (WHO-DAS 2.0) and the Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K6) in Canadian youth. The first article, “Measurement Invariance of the WHODAS 2.0 Across Youth With and Without Physical or Mental Conditions” examined measurement invariance of the WHO-DAS […]

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