• Introducing the MY LIFE study team!

    Better late than never, we’d like to introduce the dedicated and hardworking MY LIFE study team. Working out of McMaster Innovation Park and McMaster Children’s Hospital in Hamilton, our study team is responsible for recruiting families from clinics, conducting study visits and managing data. Photo (from left to right): Jessica Zelman, Robyn Pereira, Melissa Elgie, […]

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  • ARCH Lab Student Publishes Paper

    Ahmad Qadeer, a Master’s student (alumnus) with the ARCH Lab, published a paper entitled “A comparative study of substance use in young adolescents with and without chronic health conditions” in Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse. Using data from the Ontario Child Health Study, this paper examined the prevalence and odds of, as well […]

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  • ARCH Lab Contributes to Paper on Depressive Symptoms Among Mothers of Children with Epilepsy

    Dr. Ferro contributed to a novel study that prospectively examined both the prevalence and trajectories of depressive symptoms among mothers of children with epilepsy. Results showed that a substantial proportion of mothers to children with epilepsy are at risk for depression, and that this risk is stable over time, despite seizure control. Instead, the trajectories […]

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  • ARCH Lab Contributes to Paper on Quality of Life Measurement in Children with Epilepsy

    In collaboration with colleagues from the University of Waterloo and Western University, Dr. Ferro published a paper entitled, “Measurement equivalence of the short-form Quality of Life in Childhood Epilepsy Questionnaire (QOLCE-16)” in the journal Epilepsy & Behavior. Results showed that the short-form QOLCE-16 is measurement equivalent across age groups, sex and time in children with […]

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  • ARCH Lab Contributes to Paper on Youth Cannabis Use

    Dr. Ferro, along with colleagues from the School of Public Health and Health Systems at the University of Waterloo recently authored a paper, “Interrelationships among depression, anxiety, flourishing,and cannabis use in youth” in the journal Addictive Behaviors. Findings suggested that youth cannabis users commonly reported mental health problems. However, the associations between depression, anxiety and […]

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  • ARCH Lab Student Successfully Defends MSc Thesis

    Congratulations to Jennie Tang for successfully defending her MSc thesis entitled, “Cancer and mental disorder among emerging adults”. Awesome job Jennie!

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  • ARCH Lab Publishes Paper

    Irina Oltean, a Master’s student with the ARCH Lab, published a paper entitled “Agreement of child and parent-proxy reported health-related quality of life in children with mental disorder” in Quality of Life Research. The purpose of this paper was to examine whether parents with elevated levels of depressive and anxiety symptoms report on the health-related […]

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  • ARCH Lab Contributes to Paper on Traffic Violations by Youth with ADHD

    Collaborating with University of Waterloo colleague, Scott Leatherdale, Dr. Ferro recently published a paper entitled “Traffic Violations among Young People with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder” in the Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. Results showed that individuals with ADHD are not at greater odds for traffic violations. Instead, young people with ADHD share similar risk factors—being aged 20-29 […]

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  • Results from MY Study Published

    Findings from the MY Study were published in a paper in Child Psychiatry & Human Development, entitled “Mental–Physical Multimorbidity in Youth: Associations with Individual, Family, and Health Service Use Outcomes”. The purpose of this study was to examine the prevalence, correlates, and outcomes of youth with comorbid mental and physical conditions (i.e., multimorbidity) in a […]

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  • Postdoctoral Fellowship Position Available with the ARCH Lab

    Dr. Mark Ferro is looking for a postdoctoral fellow to join the ARCH Lab at the University of Waterloo. The fellowship is suitable for candidates who are interested in developing their own independent program of research in the areas of child and young person multimorbidity, mental health or substance use. For more details, please click […]

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