• ARCH Lab Publishes Paper Using Data from “Multimorbidity In Youth Receiving Mental Health Services” Study

    The ARCH Lab has published a paper using data from its Multimorbidity in Youth Receiving Mental Health Services study, exploring the potential interrelationships among perceived stress, hair cortisol concentration (HCC), and mental disorders from a sample of youth and their parents. The paper, “Do subjective and objective measures of stress agree in a clinical sample […]

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  • ARCH Lab Publishes New Paper Using DETOUR Study Data

    The ARCH Lab recently published a manuscript using the DETOUR study data titled “Mental and psychosocial health among youth after their first psychiatric hospitalization: a feasibility study”. The paper was published in the journal BMC Research Notes. This small-scale study investigated a group of inpatient youth with a first psychiatric hospitalization. The aim of this […]

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  • ARCH Lab Publishes New Paper on Physical Activity in the MY LIFE Study Cohort

    The ARCH Lab published a paper using the MY LIFE Study data, measuring youth physical activity (PA) and the correlations between children with multimorbidity (MM) versus children with chronic physical illness (PI) only. The paper, “Correlates of Moderate-to-Vigorous Physical Activity in Children With Physical Illness and Physical–Mental Multimorbidity” was published in the Journal of Health […]

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  • ARCH Lab Collaborates on Study of Mental Health of Youth with Cerebral Palsy

    The ARCH Lab collaborated on a paper recently published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine, titled “Correlates of Mental Health in Adolescents and Young Adults with Cerebral Palsy: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of the MyStory Project”. This study highlights the importance of understanding mental health issues in adolescents and young adults (AYA) living with cerebral palsy […]

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  • ARCH Lab Collaborates on Study of Infant Emotion Regulation and Maternal PPD

    The ARCH Lab recently collaborated on a study of infant emotional regulation in dyads where mothers are experiencing postpartum depression (PPD). The paper, “Follow the leader: Maternal transmission of physiological regulatory support to distressed infants in real-time” was published in the Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Science. Decades of evidence show that mothers provide emotional […]

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  • ARCH Lab Publishes New Paper

    Members of the ARCH Lab recently published a paper titled “Measurement Invariance of the GAD-7 and CESD-R-10 Among Adolescents in Canada” in the Journal of Pediatric Psychology. The primary objective of was to assess if the 7-item Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD-7) and 10-item Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Revised (CESD-R-10) scales were interpreted in the […]

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  • Two ARCH Lab Students Receive CIHR Master’s Scholarships

    Congratulations to two students from the ARCH Lab for receiving Master’s scholarships from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Kiran Dhuga, current MSc student and Chris Barclay, incoming MSc student, were two of only seven students from the University of Waterloo to be chosen to receive this award. Both Kiran and Chris are using […]

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  • ARCH Lab Member Welcomes New Baby

    Congratulations to Robyn Wojcicki, Project Coordinator, on the birth of her second son, Thomas. We are very excited for you, Robyn, and hope you enjoy this time with your family.

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  • ARCH Lab Collaborates on Paper Examining Anxiety among Kindergarten Children

    The ARCH Lab collaborated with colleagues from the EDI (Early Development Instrument) Team at the Offord Centre for Child Studies on a recently published paper titled “Population-Based Teacher-Rated Assessment of Anxiety Among Canadian Kindergarten Children”. The purpose of this study was to measure the pervasiveness and levels of anxiety symptoms in kindergarteners in a Canadian […]

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  • ARCH Lab Collaborates on Study of Postpartum Depression Therapy

    The ARCH Lab collaborated on a study with colleagues from McMaster University on the effectiveness of group cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) for postpartum depression (PPD) delivered by public health nurses with little to no previous psychiatric training at improving depression, worry, social support and the mother-infant relationship. The article, titled “Public Health Nurse-delivered Group Cognitive […]

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