• ARCH Lab Publishes Paper on MY LIFE Study Cohort

    The ARCH Lab has published a paper titled “Cohort Profile: Multimorbidity in Children and Youth Across the Life-course (MY LIFE) Study”. This paper provides an overview of the methods of the Multimorbidity in Children and Youth across the Life-course (MY LIFE) study, profiles sample characteristics of the cohort (n=263), and provides baseline estimates of multimorbidity. […]

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  • New ARCH Lab Paper on the Mental Health Care Costs Among Youth with Comorbid Mental Disorders

    The ARCH Lab recently published a paper titled “Mental Health Care Costs Among Youth with Comorbid Mental Disorders”. The study described the distribution of mental health service costs in youth with mental disorder and determined if costs differed for youth with comorbid internalizing and externalizing disorder compared to those with comorbid internalizing disorders. Data come […]

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  • ARCH Lab Student Successfully Defends MSc Thesis

    Congratulations to Samantha Chown for successfully defending her MSc thesis titled “Psychological Distress and Mental Illness in Emerging Adults with Learning Disabilities”. This topic was new to Sammy; she familiarized herself with the subject matter, analyzed her data, wrote and defended her thesis (virtually) all within a year of joining the ARCH Lab. Very impressive […]

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  • Arch Lab Contributes to Paper on Cannabis Use and Traffic Violations in Emerging Adults

    ARCH Lab recently contributed to paper titled “Steering clear: Traffic violations among emerging adults who engage in habitual or casual cannabis use”. This study examined the association between habitual or casual cannabis use and past-year traffic violations among emerging adults (EAs). Data come from the 2012 Canadian Community Health Survey-Mental Health. Respondents were categorized based […]

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  • ARCH Lab Contributes to Study Linking Prenatal Adversity and Adolescent Psychiatric Risk

    While the association between adverse pre- and postnatal exposure and offspring health is well established, it is unclear whether exposure to a greater number of prenatal adversities affects subsequent mental health risk. The ARCH Lab recently contributed to a study titled “Exploring Links Between Prenatal Adversity and Adolescent Psychiatric Risk in a Canadian Population-Based Sample” […]

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  • ARCH Lab Contributes to Paper Examining Cannabis Use and Psychiatric Admissions

    The ARCH Lab recently contributed to a paper titled “How High? Trends in Cannabis Use Prior to First Admission to Inpatient Psychiatry in Ontario, Canada, between 2007 and 2017: À quelle hauteur? Les tendances de l’usage du cannabis avant la première hospitalisation en psychiatrie en Ontario, Canada entre 2007 et 2017”. The study aimed to […]

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  • ARCH Lab Contributes to Study on Changes in Emotional Functioning Following Pediatric Epilepsy Surgery

    The ARCH Lab contributed to a study titled “Longitudinal changes in emotional functioning following pediatric resective epilepsy surgery: 2-year follow-up”. The study looked at long term changes and predictors of depression and anxiety in the two years following epilepsy surgery in children with drug-resistant epilepsy (DRE). Data came from 128 children and adolescents with DRE […]

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  • ARCH Lab Contributes to Paper on the Canadian Movement Guidelines and Mental Health in Adolescents

    The ARCH Lab recently contributed to a paper titled “The Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines and Psychological Distress among Adolescents: Les Directives canadiennes en matière de mouvement sur 24 heures et la détresse psychologique chez les adolescents”. The study reviewed the current Canadian 24-Hour movement guidelines for children and youth and examined the association between meeting […]

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  • ARCH Lab Contributes to Two Studies Using COMPASS Data

    The ARCH Lab has contributed to two articles using data collected as part of the COMPASS (Cannabis, Obesity, Mental Health, Physical activity, Alcohol, Smoking, Sedentary behavior) study.   The first article, “Does having one or more smoking friends mediate the transition from e-cigarette use to cigarette smoking: a longitudinal study of Canadian youth”, looks at data from over 5000 […]

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  • ARCH Lab Contributes to Feasibility Study Among Young Adults with Cerebral Palsy

    Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a group of disorders that affect the development of movement and posture. Current neuroimaging research in CP has focused on the brain during early development, but research is lacking in CP brain structure and functioning during young adulthood. The ARCH Lab recently contributed to a feasibility study titled “Functional connectivity and […]

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