ARCH Lab Contributes to Study on Child-Parent Agreement in Youth with Epilepsy
Arch Lab recently contributed to a study titled “Self-reported quality of life and degree of youth-parent agreement: A long-term follow-up of childhood-onset epilepsy”….
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ARCH Lab Contributes to Study on Mode of Cannabis Use in Youth
ARCH Lab contributed to a study titled “Does how you use matter? The link between mode of use and cannabis-related risk”. Information on…
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New ARCH Lab Paper on Physical Morbidity and Service Use in Young People
The ARCH Lab recently published a paper titled “Physical Morbidity and Mental Health Care Among Young People”. The study looked at various associations between physical…
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ARCH Lab Publishes Paper on Family Functioning and Child Mental Health
ARCH Lab published a paper titled “Child Mental Illness and Mental Health Service Use: Role of Family Functioning (Family Functioning and Child Mental Health).” The…
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ARCH Lab Publishes Paper on Substance Use and Physical Illness Among Youth
ARCH Lab recently published a paper titled “Substance use disorders among youth with chronic physical illness”. This study estimated prevalence of substance use disorder in…
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ARCH Lab Contributes to Study on Quality of Life Following a Childhood Epilepsy Diagnosis
ARCH Lab contributed to a study titled “Trajectories of quality of life 10 years following a diagnosis of epilepsy in childhood” which assessed the trajectories of health‐related quality of…
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ARCH Lab Publishes Paper on the Long-Term Impact of Convulsive Status Epilepticus in Children’s Health-Related Quality of Life
ARCH Lab recently published a paper titled “Convulsive Status Epilepticus in Children Recently Diagnosed With Epilepsy and Long-Term Health-Related Quality of Life”. The purpose of…
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ARCH Lab Contributes to Paper on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in Children
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is difficult to detect in young children and therefore may be underestimated in prevalence data. This detection issue could contribute to why FASD has…
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New Video Highlights Dr. Ferro’s Research
Dr. Ferro was given the opportunity to have his research highlighted in a video created by Waterloo Applied Health Sciences. Dr. Ferro’s research focuses on child multimorbidity- the co-occurrence…
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ARCH Lab Contributes to a Paper on Trends and Predictors of Smoking Among Youth
Currently, there is little information on predictors of e-cigarette use, smoking, and dual usage among youth. The Arch Lab contributed to a new paper titled
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